The intention of my work on SED is to propose an idea that uses a classical approach yet complements modern physics. It offers a model that gives a tangible form or structure to the electron, a form that is in complete agreement with physical reality. Hopefully, this may simplify and unify our understanding of nature.
The paper is aimed at the general science reader in the hope that as wide an audience as possible may consider these ideas. After all, ideas may not always change the world - but they can change our view of it.
It would not have been possible without the help and thoughts of many people, some of whom are listed in the Acknowledgements section. Two especially have shown me key concepts which I have used to hopefully build a coherent theory. They are Qui-Hong Hu in his 2005 paper “The Nature of the Electron”, and Claudio Rebbi who wrote the article “Solitons” for Scientific American in February 1979. Of course, the internet itself deserves much praise by providing a wealth of information. No scientist before us had such a vast library and resource.
My friends and family have also provided much needed support as well as constructive criticism. To them I am truly thankful.
If I have pondered and seen some things it is because so many brilliant people have shone their light.
I merely looked.
Rowan Kramer
Note: please use the form below if you’d like to get in contact with me to discuss SED.